About Training & Placement

About Training & Placement


Mr. A. K. Mullani

Training & Placement Officer

Dr. S. M. Honmane

Assistant Training & Placement Officer

The Training and Placement Cell of the Annasaheb Dange College of B. Pharmacy, Ashta, Sangli has been established to help undergraduates to prepare, develop & groom for the needs of employment market.

TPC also offer campus opportunities for recruitment by inviting industries and external agencies. The Placement Cell presents entire guide to the travelling agencies at each level of placement system. Arrangements for Pre-Placement Talks, Written Tests, Interviews and Group Discussions are made as according to the requirement of the employment market. In addition to this, advice letters are given to the students whenever demanded. Students are advocated with the aid of the faculty for accumulating the information from the internet site of the various Pharmaceutical Companies.



The T & P Cell aims to conduct and execute different activities for the students and  staff with following objectives

  • To bridge the gap in-between University curricular outcomes & the needs of employment market.
  • To organize campus interviews for college students with industries and enterprise houses of repute from throughout India.
  • To put together college students to face campus interviews by using arranging education in Aptitude  checks, group discussions, making ready  for Technical and HR interviews through  expert.
  • To develop the excellent gaining knowledge of method the usage of a comprehensive information of enterprise’s pleasant practices.
  • To sell profession counseling via establishing steering lectures by means of senior company personnel.
  • Maintaining regular interplay with the enterprise via Seminars, Guest Lectures, Conferences, Corporate Meets etc.
  • Providing considered necessary training to students within the vicinity of Personality Development and Communication Skills.
  • To provide one hundred % placements to our graduates.

Training & Placement Cell / Industry Institute Interaction Cell 2024-25

Sr. No. Name of member Designation
1. Dr. Mahesh G. Saralaya
Principal, ADCBP, Ashta.
2. Mr. Ashish K. Mullani
Assistant Professor
TPO Head
3. Dr. Sandip M. Honmane
Assistant Professor
Asst TPO
4. Mr. Vishal Ghaste
Final Year Student
5. M. .Amruta Nangare
Final Year B Pharm Student
6. Mr. Samarth Mahind
T.Y. B Pharm Student
7. Ms. Vaibhavi Mohole
T.Y. B Pharm Student
8. Mr. Rohan Mahabal
Director, Idomax Chemicals, Miraj,
9. Mr. Avadhoot Kulkarni
Director, Ajit Laboratories, Miraj
10. Dr. Shreehari Taklikar
S.G. Phytopharma, Kolhapur.