Antidiscrimination Cell

Antidiscrimination Cell

Academic Year : 2024-25

Sr. No Name of member Designation
1 Prof. Dr. Saralaya M. G.
Principal ADCBP, Ashta.
2 Prof. Kanai R. A.
Executive Director, SDSS, Islampur.
Member (Management representative)
3 Mr. Mohite R. M.
Legal representative
4 Prof. Dr. Momin Y. H.
Professor, ADCBP, Ashta.
5 Mr. Pattekari S.N.
Assistant Professor, ADCBP, Ashta.
6 Mrs. Jadhav P. A.
Assistant Professor, ADCBP, Ashta.
7 Dr. Khade H. P.
Assistant Professor, ADCBP, Ashta.
8 Mr. Upadhye S.S
HOD-Add in Diploma.
9 Ms. Nadaf P
Assistant Professor, ADCBP, Ashta.
10 Ms. Rankhambe Diksha
Student Representative, Third Year B. Pharmacy.
11 Mr.Budhawale Ritesh
Student Representative, Third Year B. Pharmacy.
12 Ms. Gaikwad P. T.
Assistant Professor, ADCBP, Ashta.
13 Ms. Patil R. P.
Assistant Professor, ADCBP, Ashta.
Member Secretary

Objectives :


The Institute ensures that every individual inside the institute exercise equal rights and acquire in the process of offering or receiving education by obeying following objectives

  • This cell will look after the related matters (if any) of depriving a student/ staff or group of students on the basis of caste, creed, language, ethnicity, gender, different ability.
  • This cell protects the rights of individuals without any prejudice to their appearance or lifestyle in the process of learning inside the campus.
  • The Cell shall eliminate discrimination against or harassment of any individual in all forms by prohibiting it and by providing preventive and protective measures to facilitate its eradication and punishments for those who pamper in any form of discrimination or harassment.
  • To resolve the issues pertaining to caste, creed, religion, language, ethnicity, gender, disability of access etc
  • To provide a platform for listening to complaints and redressal of grievances
  • To endorse healthy relationship with all.
  • To equip students, faculty and staff with the knowledge of their legal rights and redressal of their grievances
  • To facilitate speedy delivery of justice, through organizing meetings at regular intervals.

Duties of the committee :

  • The cell is constituted to resolve the matters of students and staff without any prejudice to their caste, creed, religion, language, ethnicity, gender, disability, birth place and to eliminate discrimination and harassment against any student of institute by providing preventive measures to facilitate to punishment for those who indulge any form of discrimination.
  • If any member of the committee receives the complaint from the affected student or staff in terms of discrimination of caste, creed, religion, language, ethnicity, gender, disability, birth place should submit the detailed report to the member secretory as earliest.
  • The member secretory report immediately to the chairperson.
  • Chairperson should organize the meeting of cell to discuss the matter related to complaint/s.
  • Detailed enquiry should conduct with essential proofs for such at in 2 days.
  • The committee recommends suitable and necessary action if found guilty.

Filing the complaint :

  • Any student, teaching staff and non-teaching staff (hereinafter mentioned as the COMPLAINANT) shall have the right to file a complaint concerning any discrimination faced in the institute.
  • Any complainant can file a complaint within 24 hrs. after the incident.
  • The complainant can follow the below mentioned mechanism to lodge the complaint
  • Open the google
  • Enter/copy the following link to open the form
  • Fill the details in the form correctly
  • Submit