Cell for Internal Complaints


Preamble and Objectives of the committee

  • To resolve the issues pertaining to sexual harassment.
  • To provide a platform for listening to complaints and redressal of grievances.
  • To foster healthy relationship with opposite gender.
  • To equip students, faculty and staff with the knowledge of their legal rights and redressal of their grievances.
  • To facilitate speedy delivery of justice, through organizing meetings at regular intervals.
  • To sensitize and create awareness about gender justice among the academic and non-academic community in this educational institution.

Norms for Constitution of Committee

  • Presiding Officer: a woman employed at a senior level at workplace fromamongst employees
  • Members : not less than two : from employees preferably committed to the cause of women or who have experience in social work or have a legal knowledge
  • Members : not less than two : from employees preferably committed to the cause of women or who have experience in social work or have a legal knowledge
  • One student’s member from UG, PG and Ph.Ddivision each. At least one half of the total members shall be women

Role & responsibilities of the committee

  • Be thoroughly prepared
  • Know the Act, Policy and/or relevant Service Rules
  • Gather and record all relevant information
  • Determine the main issues in the complaint
  • Prepare relevant interview questions
  • Conduct necessary interviews
  • Ensure parties are made aware of the process and their rights/responsibilities within it.
  • Analyze information gathered
  • Prepare the report with findings/recommendations

Internal Complaints Committee : AY 2024-25

Sr.  No. Name of Member  Designation  Contact Number
1. Prof (Dr) Momin Y.H.
Professor ADCBP, Ashta
Chairman  8668201729
2. Prof (Dr) Saralaya M.G.
Principal ADCBP, Ashta
Member  9265789039
3. Ms. Jagtap N. M.
Assistant Professor ADCBP, Ashta
Member  8421393821
4. Mr .Sajane S.J.
Assistant Professor ADCBP, Ashta
Member  9158008167
5. Mrs. Patil U.A.
Police Constable, Police Station, Ashta
Member  8330621085
6. Mr. Adsul D.V.
Social Representative
Member  9960674000
7. Mrs. Suryawanshi B.P.
Lab Technician
Member  9172239806
8. Ms. Patil S.R.
[Final.Y.B. Pharm]
Member  (Nominees from  Students) 9970272103
9. Ms. Bhore S.S.
[Third Y. B. Pharm]
Member  (Nominees from  Students) 9356889148




Stage 1 Receipt of the complaint
  • Receive the receipt of complaints
  • Meet and talk to the complainant to discuss options of informal/formal resolution
  • Start informal/formal mechanism as chosen by complainant
  • Inform the respondent and ask for the responses
Stage 2 Planning carefully
  • Prepare the file
  • Consideration: Interim measures and support for the complainant
Stage 3 Interviews
  • Prepare an interview plan: complainant, respondent and witness
  • Assess completeness of the information collected
Stage 4 Reasoning and Analysis
  • Analyze the gathered information
  • Create the timeline of events from information
  • Compare similarities/differences of statements form interviews
Stage 5 Finding and recommendations
  • Conclude whether the complaint is upheld or not.
  • Recommendation: Where the Complaints Committee is unable to uphold the complaint, it shall recommend no action.
  • Where the Complaints Committee upholds the Complaint, it may recommend such action as stated within the relevant Policy or Service Rules, which may include a warning to terminate
Stage 6 Writing the report and submitting to the employer for further action
  • The Complaints Committee will prepare a final report and
  • Submit the file to the organization or District Officer for implementation of the recommendations and for safe keeping.

Timelines as per the Act

1 Submission of Complaint Within 3 months of the last incident
2 Notice to the Respondent Within 7 days of receiving copy of the complaint
3 Completion of Inquiry Within 90 days
4 Submission of Report by ICC/LCC to employer/DO Within 10 days of completion of the inquiry
5 Implementation of Recommendations Within 60 days
6 Appeal Within 90 days of the recommendations