About Department

Dr. Tamboli Ennus Tajuddin
Head of Department
Pharmacognosy is one of the branches of the modern pharmacy profession however, it is considered as the origin of medicines. Pharmacognosy is broadly related to the study of drugs obtained from natural sources. Moreover, in the modern era, the study is related to but not limited to the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of crude drugs and derived products, including the discovery of new drugs from natural sources.
The students acquire the skill to identify and differentiate between crude drugs and adulteration. Further student also learns to prepare extract, purify it, and identify the phytoconstituents in it. This department provides facilities for identification, extraction, isolation, and characterization of crude drugs. This department also provides adequate facilities for the formulation, and standardisation of herbal formulation.
Salient Features of Department
- Facility for Extraction of crude drugs
- Facility for Evaluation of Crude drug as per WHO guidelines
- Histological study of crude drugs related facilities
- Chromatography