Industry Institute Interaction Committee

Industry Institute Interaction Committee


Sr. No Name of Member Designation Mobile No.
01 Prof. (Dr). M. G. Saralaya
Principal, ADCBP, ASHTA
Chairman 9265789039
02 Mr.S. D. Kadam
TPO. Asst. Professor
Member-Secretory 9552360886
03 Mr.S. S. Upadhye
HOD ,Asst. Professor
Member 9423560416
04 Mr. N. R. Inamdar
Asst. Professor
Member 9322821313
05 Ms. P. R. Lokhande
S.Y. Student Representative
Member 8530759429
06 Ms. S. S. Patil
F.Y. Student Representative
Member 9765236269



The IIIC Cell aims to conduct and execute different activities for the students and staff with following objectives

  • To explore and identify common avenues of interaction with industry.
  • To establish convergence with industrial and research organizations from various fields through MOUs as a form of interaction.
  • To support our students for employment, to get employer feedback of our alumni and involve them in design and review of curricula.
  • To arrange Industrial/ Professional visits/internship for students to different Industries to get right exposure and opportunity for training.
  • Maintaining regular interplay with the enterprise via Seminars, Guest Lectures, Conferences, and Corporate Meets etc.



Roles and Responsibilities of Industry Institute Interaction Committee

  • The Chairman of the IIIC shall have the power to call a meeting of Industry Institute Interaction Cell.
  • Organizing workshops, conferences and symposia with joint participation of the industries.
  • Monitoring Practical training of students in Pharmacy & submission of their practical training booklet.
  • The minutes of the meetings of the committee shall be written by the Member secretary of IIIC.
  • Action taken report of previous meeting shall be prepared by Member secretary of IIIC and be presented on next meeting.
  • After the end of Academic Year Member secretary of IIIC shall submit a Report to the IIIC.