Sr. No Name of Member Designation Mobile No.
01 Prof. Dr. M. G. Saralaya
Principal, ADCBP, Ashta
Chairman 9265789039
02 Miss. R. A. Nalawade
Assistant Professor, Representative of Faculty Member
Member Secretary 9146762486
03 Mr. S. S. Upadhye
HOD, Representative of Faculty Member
Member 9423560416
04 Miss. S. Y. Kamble
Representative of Senior Students
Member 9021031719
05 Miss. S. R. Mane
Representative of Fresh Students
Member 7972121740


  • To implement the reservation policy for SCs/STs in the Universities and Colleges.
  • To collect data regarding the implementation of the policies in respect of admissions, appointments to teaching and non-teaching positions in the universities, and in the affiliating colleges and analyze the data showing the trends and changes towards fulfilling the required quota.
  • To take such follow up measures for achieving the objectives and targets laid down for the purpose by the Government of India and the UGC.
  • To implement, monitor and evaluate continuously the reservation policy in universities and colleges and plan measures for ensuring effective implementation of the policy and programme of the Government of India.


  • On receiving a complaint, the Committee shall commence a meeting within fifteen days of receipt of complaint.
  • The committee shall fix a date of hearing the complaint which shall be communicated to the aggrieved person.
  • The aggrieved party may either appear in person or submit written averments of his/her case before the Committee.
  • The Committee shall report its findings to the Principal with recommendations if any, within a period of thirty days.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • To implement the reservation policy for SCs/STs in the Universities and Colleges.
  • To collect data regarding the implementation of the policies in respect of admissions, appointments to teaching and non-teaching positions in the universities, and in the affiliating colleges and analyze the data showing the trends and changes towards fulfilling the required quota.
  • To take such follow up measures for achieving the objectives and targets laid down for the purpose by the Government of India and the UGC.
  • To implement, monitor and evaluate continuously the reservation policy in universities and colleges and plan measures for ensuring effective implementation of the policy and programme of the Government of India.